Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti Recipe


Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti

This is the time of the year (Mid-October) I make Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti.  I don’t remember who gave me this recipe, but I do know that it sure is good.

Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti Recipe

Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti

½ cup plus 1/8 cup oil

3 eggs

¾ tsp. vanilla

¾ tsp. almond extract

½ cup plus 1/8 cup sugar

3 cups flour

1 ¾ tsp. baking powder

2 tsp. lemon peel

¾ cup chopped pecan

¾ cup cranberries

Preheat oven to 325 F.  Mix together the oil, eggs, vanilla and almond; then put the sugar into the mixer and mix well.

Next add the following to mixer; flour, baking powder, peel, pecan and cranberries.  Mix until mixture forms dough.

Turn mixture onto lightly floured surface.  Knead lightly until all is combined.  Divide dough in HALF.  Roll each half into a 14-inch log, 2-inches wide.

Place on greased cookie sheet.  Bake at 325 F. for 20 – 25 minutes.  Cool on pan for 10 minutes.

  • Reduce oven temperature to 275 F.

Place logs on cutting board; cut into ¾-inch diagonal slices.  Put the slices on parchment lined cookie sheets and bake on 275 F. for 10 minutes.

After they baked; turn slices over and bake 8 minutes longer or until they are lightly brown.  Remove from the cookie sheets and cool them on wire rack.


(Recipe for Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti, I don’t remember who gave me this recipe.)

Go onto my site:, and leave a message – it’s at the top of each recipe on the right side…it will tell you to leave a comment.  I would like to know your thoughts of the recipe.

Hope you enjoyed the Cranberry-Pecan Biscotti, if so, click “Like”.  I look forward to hearing from you, so let me know how you liked it!!
